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My Greatest Loss Ever

Megan Morgan March 7, 1992 Feb. 19,2011

September 18, 2017

So let's talk about who, why and where Morgan Wellness came into existence.

So on March 7, 1992 My beautiful baby sister Megan Espirit Morgan was born I was 14 years older than her when she was born.

My father and step mother both worked full time so I was responsible for taking care of my baby sister most of the time.

Sometimes I would get resentful about it and others I really loved it. My sister and I formed an inseparable bond her very first year of life. So we were close as could be I was her protector, her, advocate, her sissy, her mama, her best friend all in one. She was the other half to my soul!

Fast forward a few years later in life around her mid teens my sister became addicted to drugs like our father had been and so many others in our immediate family. She also had some traumas as a child that I am sure had a part in her addiction as we.ll. She was a very functional addict and still worked and went to school etc. But clearly was hurting inside to feel the need to numb out.

I was in full denial and was one of the last to know or maybe admit that my sissy had a problem. Not my baby sis! When I became aware I tried to help her and encouraged her to go into what I knew to work best at that time in my life being a bible based discipleship program for help as opposed to traditional rehab as I definitely knew through watching our father die and many many others through my life using traditional rehab and 12 step options. I wanted her to try something that had a much higher success ratio than traditional rehab which is about a 4-6% ratio that actually stay sober compared to Teen Challenge and the Dreamcenter who have a 88-93% success ratio of people staying sober!! What a huge difference right???

However my stepmom had other plans for her at the time she encouraged her into Aurora Detox center in Phoenix Az

When my little sister was checked in and they tested her for drugs she actually had none in her system at the time of check in, HOWEVER that was not the case when she was released my baby sister was more high on pharma than I had EVER seen her on heroin! WTF HAD THEY DONE TO MY SISSY????

I was PISSED and lost not knowing why the system would be so fucked up!

So after my sissy was released from there she continued like most addicts to struggle.

Finally I am able to blog on my phone so I am going to continue as much as I can to finish my story of losing my. beautiful sister. Thanks to the 13 people so far who have subscribed to my blog and I'm sorry it haven't been blogging more. I do alot of videos on social media and I am still healing. myself so it truly does take much time and patience with myself. So again ty you all for your patience. I hope to start blogging at least 2-4 times a week to keep those interested in the loop of how we are continuing to save lives with plant assisted therapies! Stay tuned!